There are 6 variations of the APO E gene expression. Yes, some are lucky enough to be predisposed to being healthy and disease-free. Others have a predisposition to developing a range of diseases (shown below). The risk factors can be minimized or turned off, with the right lifestyle choices.
The APO E Gene and Disease:
Scientific studies show certain APO E gene types carry an increased risk of chronic diseases such as:
Depression, anxiety or other mood disorder
Heart Disease
High cholesterol (high triglycerides or LDL, and low HDL)
Insulin resistance
Neurological Disease
Parkinson’s Disease
Rheumatoid Arthritis
If you have a personal or family history of any of these diseases, you can minimize the predisposition and even heal an existing condition. Knowing your APO E genotype, and making the right lifestyle choices for this genotype, creates a gene supportive environment.
You will learn step by step, how too:
✅Nourish your body and fight disease by making healthy choices and eating a balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins for your certain genotype.
✅Exercise your body in ways best matched to your genotype- and your health
✅Deal with stress and emotional overwhelm
✅Set and focus intentions that support you in living the life you want to live
✅Connect to your own inner guidance/spirit as source of strength and encouragement.
✅Develop a plan for your ideal life- with a focus on your health
✅Discover supplements that may help your wellbeing
Call today to schedule your appointment: 302-444-6938
Genetic Testing
Genetic testing is not a new technology, in fact you may have had a genetic test as an infant. In the early 1960’s genetic testing for phenylketonuria (PKU), a rare disorder that if untreated will cause mental retardation, was introduced as a public health measure in the US. Genetic testing made PKU easy to spot and treatment of a strict diet regimen and further testing could begin right away. Today all 50 states have passed laws requiring that newborns be tested for PKU. The routine testing of newborns is currently the most widespread use of genetic testing.
To Test or Not to Test?
Genetic testing provides the information that will help you, the individual, determine how to best protect and improve your health. However there are certain conditions under which you may—or may not—choose APO E gene testing.
You may choose NOT to be tested because:
•You prefer not to know if your APO E genotype puts you at a high risk for a disease such as Alzheimer’s or heart disease. If you find you are at high risk, but you are unwilling to make the lifestyle changes that will significantly reduce your chance of developing disease, the results could cause more stress, which would not help you.
•You are unwilling to change your diet and lifestyle habits regardless of any conditions you may have, or have a predisposition for.
You may choose to be tested because:
You personally have, or have a familial history with:
•Alzheimer's disease
•Cardiovascular disease
•Depression/anxiety disorder or other mood disorder
•Eating disorder
•High cholesterol disorder
•High triglycerides and/or LDL
•Insulin resistance or diabetes
•Morbid obesity
•Multiple sclerosis
•Severe neurological disease
•Parkinson's disease
•Rheumatoid arthritis
You are currently being treated for a chronic illness, and not seeing any results. A few conditions that we have had extraordinary results with are:
•Alzheimer's disease
•Cardiovascular disease
•Chronic obesity
•Chronic pain
•Glucose intolerance
•High cholesterol
•Insulin resistance
•Menopausal symptoms
•Multiple sclerosis
•Parkinson's disease
•Severe peri-menopausal symptoms
You are willing and able to make changes to your lifestyle, in order to optimize your health and well-being.
What kind of changes? This depends on your current diet and exercise habits.
•Most significant for APO E Gene Program users is the change of eating behaviors with The APO E Gene Diet®, moving away from processed and packaged foods to a whole and fresh foods diet. If you are already eating a healthy diet, you may learn your genotype requires more or less fat, or protein, for example than you are eating.
•Many people begin to exercise for the first time—this may mean no more than a brisk walk 5 days a week.
•Or perhaps physical therapy if you are unable to walk.
•You may need to learn to live a more balanced, less stressful life.
We encourage you to make any changes, gradually. The gains experienced in health and wellbeing, provide the needed motivation to continue.
Most people can follow the recommendations without assistance. If you are seeking to heal a medical condition, I recommend you also have a medical provider with an understanding of integrative medicine—someone who does not just push pills and surgery. We can usually support you in finding a local provider.
The Anonymous Testing Process
There are two simple methods for gene testing. For more information on either testing option, please call our office at (302)444-6938.
1Testing via blood. This is a simple blood draw, fasting is not necessary.
2Testing via cheek swab. Samples are taken from the cells on the inside of the cheek—a simple procedure you can do at home with instructions and materials provided in the APO E Gene Testing Kit. (Kit included in program cost, available on request from our office).